With a proven, long-term track record of successful Installations around the world, the SGT-800 gas turbine is an excellent choice for both industrial power generation and oil and gas applications. It will meet your requirements for efficiency, reliability and environmental compatibility, offering low lifecycle costs and the best possible return on investment. The SGT-800 will support your combined cycle and cogeneration installations with its excellent efficiency and outstanding steam-raising capability. Designed for flexible operation, it is perfectly suited for base and intermediate load as well as grid support.
Lowest lifecycle cost, best return on investment
Whatever the application, the SGT-800 meets your requirements for efficiency, reliability and environmental compatibility. As a result, you can expect lowest lifecycle cost of operation and the best possible return on investment.
World-class emission performance
The combustor and burner designs offer world-class emission performance over a wide load range with single-digit CO emission levels and capable of down to 9 ppm NOx emissions. Low emissions are also achieved with liquid fuel without the need of water injection.
Designed to reduce environmental impact, the SGT-800 gas turbine will help you meet even the strictest emission regulations worldwide.
Proven reliability
Reliability has been a top priority from day one of the development of the SGT-800. Thanks to simple and robust technical solutions the reported average fleet reliability of the core engine and auxiliary systems lies at a world-class 99.8% for year 2018.
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